As you certainly deduced from the variable declaration above, my name is Corey Hedberg. Currently I am an aspiring web developer. I love to code and I am really enjoying the learning process.
I pride myself on being very analytically-minded and really passionate about solving problems. I'll put it this way, I was talking to a friend one day about learning to code and I said: "I don't want to be the one tippity-tapping on the Facebook page, I want to be the one writing the code that allows people to tippity-tap on the Facebook page."
And since it cannot always be about the coding, I am also an avid sports fan, with my favorite team being the Tampa Bay Lightning. #GoBolts
A quick note about my site. This site has been built from scratch by me. No libraries, boiler plates, templates, etc. As I continue to learn more and more about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - and everything else - I will update this site and it will become more and more cool. Please use the contact form below if you have any suggestions to help me make the site better. I am always willing to learn new things.
Thanks for stopping by!
Working on this section next!